
Constant Tension in Your Neck And Back ? Try Acupuncture for Relief

Sep 04, 2024
Constant Tension in Your Neck And Back ? Try Acupuncture for Relief
Chronic neck tension can make routine tasks uncomfortable and leave you with headaches that disrupt your daily life. Acupuncture offers a natural and effective way to relieve that persistent discomfort, targeting the root causes to promote wellness.

Does your neck always feel tense, stiff, and achy? It’s a common problem, and you probably know all too well that it can make even the simplest daily tasks feel like a burden.

Traditional treatments like massage and pain medication can offer temporary relief — but if you’re looking for a longer-lasting solution, it’s time to learn more about acupuncture for neck tension. Adam Redlich, MD, and our team at A+ Athlete Sports Medicine offer this powerful, natural alternative for pain relief, and here’s how it works.

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Understanding neck tension

Your neck muscles work together to support your head and give you a wide range of motion as you go about your day. But because they’re constantly engaged, they can easily become sore and tense.

Neck tension can stem from a number of common issues, including poor posture, stress, muscle strain, or even underlying medical conditions like arthritis or herniated discs. When the muscles in your neck get tight, it can cause pain, reduced range of motion, and headaches.

And since you rely on your neck muscles to hold your head up, it’s hard to find the opportunity to rest. Chronic neck tension can also contribute to poor sleep and increased stress levels, creating a vicious cycle of tension that's hard to break.

Over-the-counter pain relievers and physical therapy are common go-to solutions, and they can make a big difference to manage discomfort. However, they often focus on managing symptoms rather than addressing the root cause — and that’s where acupuncture comes in.

How acupuncture works

Acupuncture is an ancient practice rooted in traditional Chinese medicine that involves inserting thin needles into specific points on your body. These points, known as acupoints, are believed to stimulate your body's natural healing processes, balance energy flow (or qi), and alleviate pain.

It’s a holistic treatment that aims to not only alleviate pain but also promote overall well-being. For neck tension, our acupuncturists typically target points on your neck, shoulders, and upper back to relieve muscle tightness, reduce inflammation, and improve circulation.

The benefits of acupuncture for neck tension

Acupuncture treatment is designed to relax your neck muscles and release any blockages that may be contributing to your discomfort. By targeting common underlying causes of neck tension — like stress and poor circulation — acupuncture can offer longer-lasting pain relief than other methods.

Another advantage of acupuncture is that it’s natural and noninvasive. If you prefer to avoid medications or more invasive procedures, acupuncture can offer a safe alternative with minimal side effects. Regular acupuncture sessions can help prevent the recurrence of neck pain, and many patients report feeling not only physical relief but also a sense of relaxation.

And finally, we customize acupuncture treatments to your specific needs. We assess your overall health and we can also address other related issues, like headaches, insomnia, or anxiety, which often accompany chronic neck tension.

What to expect during an acupuncture session

If you’re new to acupuncture, the idea of needles may sound intimidating, but most patients find the experience to be comfortable and relaxing. The needles we use in acupuncture are extremely thin, and you can expect to feel little to no discomfort when we insert them.

A typical acupuncture session for neck tension can last about 30-60 minutes. During your session, we insert needles into target acupoints and we may gently stimulate them to enhance the effects. You’ll then rest with the needles in place for about 20-30 minutes, allowing your body to respond to the treatment.

We remove the needles, and you’re free to go about your day. Many people notice significant reduction in pain and tightness following acupuncture sessions, along with a sense of relaxation and increased mobility.

Looking for a better way to treat constant neck tension? Acupuncture is worth exploring, and it could be the key to finally relieving your discomfort. Book a consultation with Dr. Redlich and our team online or call our offices in Neptune or Robbinsville, New Jersey, to get started.