
6 Common Skin Conditions in Athletes

Mar 10, 2025
6 Common Skin Conditions in Athletes
You don’t always think about skin conditions when you think about athlete injuries, but they can keep you out of action, too. Find out what they are and how to treat them.

When you think about health issues athletes commonly face, you most likely conjure up images of broken bones, ankle sprains, and torn ligaments.

You probably don’t think about skin conditions.

And yet, skin conditions are one of the most common problems athletes face. Skin problems can develop and spread because of skin-to-skin contact between athletes as well as skin-to-equipment contact, especially if the equipment hasn’t been properly cleaned and sanitized.

At A+ Athlete Sports Medicine, Adam Redlich, MD, and our team help competitors deal with skin problems so they can get back to the game they love as soon as possible. Here are six common skin conditions we see in athletes.

1. Bacterial infections

Bacterial infections can take many forms. One of the most common is impetigo, or clusters of red, round, scaly patches, often covered with a yellowish crust. It can spread rapidly, but is easily treated with oral or topical antibiotics. It’s very contagious, so wait until it has cleared up to resume sports.

2. Herpetic lesions

Herpetic lesions are sores caused by the herpes simplex virus. They generally occur around your mouth, but can spread to other parts of your body. The blisters usually crust over after a few days and resolve in 2-3 weeks. Treatment includes antiviral medications and topical ointments.

3. Fungal infections

Fungal infections can affect your skin, scalp, and nails. On your skin, they’re usually round, reddish patches with raised crusty edges. A common example is a foot fungus called athlete’s foot. Treatment usually includes a topical antifungal medication.

4. Scabies

Scabies is an intensely itchy skin rash caused by mites that burrow under your skin. It’s so itchy, it can wake you up at night. Treatment usually includes a topical insecticide to kill the mites, as well as oral medications.

5. Lice

You usually think of lice in people’s hair, but they can also be a parasitic skin infestation that causes severe itching on your body. You can get rid of them by washing your body and any infected items in hot, soapy water. You may also need a prescription lotion that can kill the lice.

6. Molluscum

Molluscum is caused by a pox virus. It causes lesions that usually occur in clusters in the creases of your body, such as your armpits, elbows, and behind your knees. The lesions are small and dome-shaped and are often surrounded by a rash.

They may eventually resolve on their own, but they may also spread and they can take months to clear up, so we recommend treatment, either with a blistering agent and topical prescription, or with cryotherapy or curettage (scraping the lesions off).

Take the next step: Contact our office today

If you’re dealing with any of these skin conditions, Dr. Redlich and our team at A+ Athlete Sports Medicine are here to clear them up for you. To book a visit, call our offices in Robbinsville or Neptune, New Jersey, or request an appointment online today.