
4 Warning Signs of a Concussion

Aug 09, 2024
4 Warning Signs of a Concussion
Recognizing the signs of a concussion is crucial for your health and safety. Learn about the common warning signs, how concussions occur, and why it's essential to seek medical attention if you suspect a concussion.

Concussions are extremely common, with up to 3.8 million occurring each year. But just because they’re common doesn’t mean they’re not serious. A concussion is a traumatic brain injury, and it can cause long-term damage if it’s not treated properly.

A concussion can happen with a direct blow to your head, face, or neck, or a forceful jolt to your body that makes your brain move rapidly back and forth. This movement forces your brain to collide with the inner walls of your skull, leading to bruising, blood vessel damage, and even nerve damage.

Recognizing the warning signs of a concussion is the first step to getting the right treatment, and our team at A+ Athlete Sports Medicine is ready to help. Adam Redlich, MD, specializes in concussion treatment in Neptune and Robbinsville, New Jersey, and here are four common warning signs to watch out for.

1. Headache or pressure in your head

One of the most common concussion symptoms is a persistent headache or a feeling of pressure in your head. This headache might start immediately after the injury or develop gradually over several hours or days.

Concussion headaches can range from mild to severe, and they’re often accompanied by a feeling of tightness or heaviness in your head. If you suffer a head injury, it's important to monitor the intensity and duration of any pain you experience and seek medical attention if it worsens or doesn’t improve quickly.

2. Dizziness or balance problems

Feeling dizzy or having trouble maintaining your balance are also common indicators of a concussion. This can manifest as a sensation of spinning (vertigo), lightheadedness, or unsteadiness when walking or standing.

Dizziness and balance problems happen because your brain's ability to process spatial orientation and balance can be temporarily impaired following a concussion. If you notice that you’re having trouble standing upright or you feel unusually dizzy after a head injury, seek medical attention.

3. Confusion or memory loss

A concussion can significantly impact your cognitive functions, and lead to symptoms like confusion, disorientation, and even memory loss. You may find it challenging to remember details about your injury, events leading up to it, or what happened afterward. This temporary loss of memory is known as post-traumatic amnesia.

You might also feel "foggy" or have trouble concentrating on tasks. If you or someone else notices that you're having difficulty thinking clearly or recalling information after a head injury, it's essential to get evaluated by a doctor.

4. Sensitivity to light and noise

Increased sensitivity to light and noise is another common sign of a concussion. Bright lights and loud sounds can become overwhelming and uncomfortable, exacerbating other symptoms like headaches and dizziness.

This sensitivity can make it challenging to be in well-lit or noisy environments, like classrooms, workplaces, or public spaces. If you find yourself experiencing heightened sensitivity to light and sound after a head injury, it's a good idea to seek medical advice.

Think you have a concussion? Why it's important to see a doctor

If you suspect you have a concussion, don’t wait to see if your symptoms go away on their own. Most concussions heal with proper rest and care, but failing to recognize and treat a concussion can lead to serious complications, like prolonged symptoms, increased risk of another concussion, and, in rare cases, brain swelling and permanent damage.

Dr. Redlich offers comprehensive concussion evaluations, including CT scans, MRIs, and post-injury ImPACT® testing if needed. He works with you to develop an appropriate treatment plan, and guides you on when it's safe to resume your normal activities.

Accidents happen — and being aware of concussion warning signs can help you take prompt action and seek the medical care you need to promote healing. Contact our team at A+ Athlete Sports Medicine online or call the office nearest you today to learn more.